revisions and preface

This manual describes the standard recommended methods for sampling and chemical analysis for the EMEP measurement network. The methods and procedures are generally derived from the development and experience gained within EMEP as well as information provided by similar programmes in North America, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), various research programmes and numerous EMEP workshops.

It should be notet that the EMEP manual is not beeing updated. Newer guidelines for good measurement practice, and the methodologies, guidelines and SOPs recommended by EMEP, ACTRIS and GAW are found under the data submission web page to EBAS.

The content of the Manual is structured in the following chapters, which can be found in the banners on top of this page.

    1. Introduction
    2. Siting criteria
    3. Sampling methods
    4. Chemical analysis
    5. Quality assurance
    6. Data handling and data reporting

It is possible to download the 2001 version of the EMEP manual in three languages: english, russian and chinese from this page

Other relevant manuals:

Last updated: March 2021 by Wenche Aas